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Sunday 10 March 2013

The homeless woman - Part 2

I folded the letter up and put it in my pocket. Deciding to not start sorting out any more  I picked up the phone and rung my best friend, Jessie. I asked her to come over to my new place, that I needed to show her something I found - the letter and jar.

In about 20 minutes Jessie was knocking on the door, a serious expression on her face, like a surgeon about to do an operation. I showed her the letter and the jar, as soon as she held the jar her fingers reached up to the lid, about to open it. I quickly grabbed it out of her hands and she looked dazed as soon as it left her grasp. "That thing is dangerous Molly, what are you gonna do?"
"Thats the problem, I don't know yet. Lock it up? Smash it?"
"Try them both, locking it up first" she replied. So we went into the cellar where the big safe was kept. I punched in the code and the door sprang open. Carefully placing the jar into the safe and locking, a wave of relief washed over me.
So we went upstairs a chilled until...

-Part 3 coming soon-

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