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Saturday 16 June 2012

How I became a solider Part 3

But it was too late. The man had pulled the trigger and BANG. He dropped to the floot and lay there lifeless.Blood on the foor around his head. I couldn't believe this was happening. What had he done to them? I sat there staring in horror.
"Right tell us what you know" The man yelled into my ear.
"No! My country dosen't desevere to be ruled by idiots!" I shouted back.
"Ok then, you will talk wheather you want to or not." He said smiling.

That's when the torture began. They killed all the other kiddies and was left with me. They wanted answers and they planned on getting them. The first thing they did to me was stabbing a knife in my leg.
"AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!"I screamed in utter pain.
"Tell us now and you get a nice painless death" He siad.
"You'll get nothing from me." I yelled at him.

And so the torturing went on. I didn't know how much more I could take.

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