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Saturday 16 June 2012

How I became a solider Part 5

They wanted me to fight in the war on THEIR SIDE. The only reason they put me down gently is because they wanted me to put all my last remaining strength in fight for THEM. So they put on my feet gently.As soon as they let go me I collapsed to the ground, I lay there, looking lifeless but I wasn't dead (I wished I was). I was breathing heavily, and it looked like it was the end of me, so I closed my eyes and was prepared to die. When one of the soldiers kicked me in the ribs, I jerked and he had knocked all the breath out of me. I just died when he did that. You may be thinking then how is she writing this. I am writing this in heaven as an Angel with my best friend. He doesn't have a hole in his head anymore. We were watching the war from up in heaven and with a little help from us we won the war. Oh and the soldiers which tortured me and killed my little friend dies horribly, I'm not saying but I laughed when it happened.

                                                     THE END!

P.S Hope you enjoyed!

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